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Types of Hypospadias in Children

Types of Hypospadias in Children

Among various congenital anomalies in a male child, Hypospadias is a common one. As per research, it has been revealed that almost one out of 150 male children have this congenital anomaly. In this situation, the urethra’s opening part is not located at the tip of the penis. The urethra starts gro...
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How to take care of Newborn Baby | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

How to take care of a Newborn baby

First-time parents need to be extremely careful regarding taking care of their babies. It’s an amazing experience for a mother to pass through the entire pregnancy period till the delivery of the baby. Now it is time to take care of the baby properly. Here both Parents need to learn some lessons r...
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Pediatric Child Care Clinic in Pune | Mental Healyh of your Child

Tips to Support the Emotional Health of Your Child

It is important to take care of the mental health of your child as much as it is for physical health. Both mental and physical health are connected and affect each other. It is a common belief that children do not have a mental strain, which is why parents ignore their emotional requirements, to a [...
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किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग | UTI Treatment in Pune | Dr vishesh Dikshit

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children in Marathi)

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग  (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children) आजकालच्या बदलत्या जीवनशैली मुळे मोठ्या माणसांप...
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Vaccines for Your Children By Age

Vaccines for Your Children By Age

With the developments in the field of Medical Science, it has become easier to deal with health problems. Vaccines are important in fighting diseases by making you immune to various diseases. Hence, it has almost become necessary to get your children vaccinated on time. Doing so will help your child...
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मूत्रमार्गात संक्रमण |Urinary Tract infection | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

मुलांमध्ये मूत्रमार्गात संक्रमण (Urinary Tract Infections in Children)

मुलांमध्ये मूत्रमार्गात संक्रमण ही अत्यंत गंभीर व्याधी आहे.  हा आजार बराच काळ राहिल्यास त्याचा परिणाम  मुलांच्य...
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Hypospadias Surgeon in Pune | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Hypospadias Repair, its Techniques, Post-surgery Concerns, Possible Complications

Hypospadias is a congenital disability in babies, and here, the Urethra opens on the underside of the penis rather than on the tip. The Urethra is the tube that helps to drain urine from the body. Parents often get confused about whether Hypospadias is harmful or not. Well, as per experts, this prob...
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Pediatric Endoscopy Surgery in Pune | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Five Things To Know About Pediatric Endoscopy

Endoscopy is an advanced process to detect various health issues like ulcers, acid reflux, infection and food allergy, etc. Pediatric Endoscopy is also vital to determine the probable cause if your kid is suffering from abnormal stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. How to get ready for the test? I...
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Constipation in Babies | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Constipation in babies

Like adults, babies also suffer from constipation however, Constipation in Babies is not quite common. Parents must consult with doctors whenever they notice their babies suffering from constipation. Here the parents need to check the frequency of bowel movements and the eating habit of their baby. ...
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Biliary Atresia in Children | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Biliary Atresia in children | Symptoms causes and Treatment

Biliary Atresia occurs in newborn babies once they reach their second or third week. This is a problem when a blockage develops in the tubes or ducts which carry the bile from the liver to the small intestine. If not treated on time, Biliary Atresia can cause damage to the liver and cirrhosis. Howev...
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