Category Archives: Best Pediatric Clinic

Home Archive by category "Best Pediatric Clinic" (Page 2)
How to take care of Newborn Baby | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

How to take care of a Newborn baby

First-time parents need to be extremely careful regarding taking care of their babies. It’s an amazing experience for a mother to pass through the entire pregnancy period till the delivery of the baby. Now it is time to take care of the baby properly. Here both Parents need to learn some lessons r...
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किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग | UTI Treatment in Pune | Dr vishesh Dikshit

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children in Marathi)

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग  (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children) आजकालच्या बदलत्या जीवनशैली मुळे मोठ्या माणसांप...
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Vaccines for Your Children By Age

Vaccines for Your Children By Age

With the developments in the field of Medical Science, it has become easier to deal with health problems. Vaccines are important in fighting diseases by making you immune to various diseases. Hence, it has almost become necessary to get your children vaccinated on time. Doing so will help your child...
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Pediatric Endoscopy Surgery in Pune | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Five Things To Know About Pediatric Endoscopy

Endoscopy is an advanced process to detect various health issues like ulcers, acid reflux, infection and food allergy, etc. Pediatric Endoscopy is also vital to determine the probable cause if your kid is suffering from abnormal stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. How to get ready for the test? I...
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Constipation in Babies | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Constipation in babies

Like adults, babies also suffer from constipation however, Constipation in Babies is not quite common. Parents must consult with doctors whenever they notice their babies suffering from constipation. Here the parents need to check the frequency of bowel movements and the eating habit of their baby. ...
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Worried about Paediatric Surgery? 5 things to know about

As surgical care for children is quite different from the care for adults, it’s important to know the difference. Pediatric surgery is a field of medicine that deals with different operations that have to be performed on children. Here are five things you should consider before deciding on whe...
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Best pediatric surgery in Pune

What Are the Most Common Surgical Procedures for Babies?

Here are a few of the common surgical procedures for babies: Hernia Repair Hernias occur when an organ or piece of tissue pushes through a weakened area in the abdominal wall. Hernias must be corrected soon after diagnosis else it can sometimes complicate. The surgeon makes a small incision, pushes ...
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Children Gallbladder Surgery in Pune

5 Signs Your Children Need Gallbladder Surgery

The gallbladder organ is present on the right side of the body under our liver. The function of the liver is to create bile that, in turn, assists in the digestion of food. Our gallbladder is the storage place for the bile. When children eat, the bile gets released by the gallbladder through the duc...
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Kids specialist in Pune

Effects of Fast Food on Kids

Food products that can be produced rapidly and served immediately are referred to as fast food. Pizzas, pastries and chips, burgers, soft drinks, and fried and salted snacks fall under fast food. They’re enticing to look at, and they’re also tasty. However, did you realise that they migh...
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Hernia Treatment on infants in Pune

Hernia in Infants & Children- Types, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Hernias occur when a part of any tissue or organ in the body like a loop of the intestine or omentum(a curtain of fat inside the abdomen) pushes itself through a weak spot or an opening in the muscle wall. It can go through to a space where it normally does not belong. This can […]...
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