Collaborative care for Pediatric Urology conditions

Pediatric urology conditions treatment in Pune

Kids often suffer from problems in their genital and urinary tracts, known as pediatric urology conditions. Many kids have had this problem since birth and can get a cure at an early age. The most common problem is the infection of the urinary system, and it has been noticed that girls more often suffer from these issues than boys.

Hence, experts always suggest that every parent should take proper care of their children’s hygiene, and consult a Pediatric Urologist for an early diagnosis and treatment. These health issues often create problems in the kidneys, bladder and urethra. As a result, kids can suffer long-term complications if not treated early.

Surgical options and care:

Many times doctors recommend that your kid needs surgical treatment for a speedy recovery from the problem and many simple and complex procedures are often performed. Some examples are:

  • Kidney:

Pyeloplasty, Nephrectomy, Renal stone removal

  • Bladder:

Cystoscopy, Vesicostomy, Appendicovesicostomy, DEFLUX injection, Bladder botox injection, Urachal excision, Ureteric re-implants etc.

  • Testes and Scrotum:

Orchidopexy, Placement of testicular prosthesis, Varicocele repair, Hydrocele repair, etc.

  • Male genital tract:

Circumcision, Chordee repair, Hypospadias repair etc.

  • Female genital tract:

Lysis of labial adhesions, Vaginoscopy, Hymenectomy, Reduction clitoroplasty Feminising genitoplasty

Non-surgical treatment and care:

Not always do kids need surgical treatment to manage urinary problems. Doctors normally suggest behavioral remedies and medication for many of the common pediatric urology problems. The difficulties like pain during urination, blood in urine, frequent urination, or bedwetting can many times be cured with medication and non-invasive treatments like Biofeedback therapy, Botox treatment and Neuromodulation.

Dr. Vishesh Dikshit is the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Pune. If you have any problem related to your child’s Pediatric Urology condition Book your appointment today with Dr. Vishesh Dikshit at Umarji Mother and Child Care Hospital, Pune.