Tag Archives: Best Pediatric Clinic

Home Posts tagged "Best Pediatric Clinic"
Thyroid Disorders in Children

Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders in Children

Thyroid disorders, although commonly associated with adults, can also affect children. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism and growth. When thyroid disorders occur in children, they can have a significant impact on their overall health ...
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hydronephrosis in children | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Hydronephrosis in children: diagnosis and treatment

Hydronephrosis in children is a condition that occurs when the kidney becomes swollen due to the accumulation of urine. It is a relatively common condition in children and can have various causes. It is crucial to diagnose and treat hydronephrosis early to prevent further damage to the kidney. If yo...
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Bedwetting in Children | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Understanding Bedwetting in Children: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common condition that affects many children. It is a frustrating and embarrassing problem for both children and their families. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, treatment, and prevention of bedwetting in children, as well as the role of a p...
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Follow-up Care After Pediatric Surgery

Follow-up care after pediatric surgery

Pediatric surgery can be a lifesaving procedure for children with a range of conditions, from congenital anomalies to traumatic injuries. After the surgery, it’s essential to provide proper follow-up care to ensure the child’s complete recovery. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of fo...
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Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in Children

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in Children: Treatment and Symptoms

Following a thorough examination of your child’s neck and throat, the doctor may order imaging tests to acquire a clear picture of the cyst. The doctor will be able to identify the thyroglossal duct cyst based on these pictures. A cyst in the thyroglossal duct seldom disappears on its own. Hav...
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Anorectal Malformations in Children | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Anorectal Malformations in Children

Anorectal malformations are abnormalities that occur in the fetus while it is still growing in the womb. The anus and rectum fail to form normally in affected individuals. They make up the lowest section of the digestive system. Stool travels from the large intestine down the rectum and into the anu...
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Tips to Care for New Born Baby in Winters | Dr. Vishesh Dikshit

Tips to Care for New Born Baby in Winters

Parents always enquire about the necessary protective measures for their newborn babies. Especially winter season is one of those times when newborn babies need extra care. Parents need to take special protective care for New Born Baby in winters.  Care for New Born Baby in Winters Doctors suggest ...
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Pediatric Endoscopic Surgery | Dr. Vishesh Dikhshit

Is pediatric endoscopic surgery more painful than standard laparoscopy in children?

Endoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique where a long thin tube is used for the surgery. A camera is connected at the end of the tube, and it helps doctors to carry on the surgery without any difficulty. Endoscopic surgery is necessary for effective and precise surgical treatment. Advanc...
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Pediatric Child Care Clinic in Pune | Mental Healyh of your Child

Tips to Support the Emotional Health of Your Child

It is important to take care of the mental health of your child as much as it is for physical health. Both mental and physical health are connected and affect each other. It is a common belief that children do not have a mental strain, which is why parents ignore their emotional requirements, to a [...
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किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग | UTI Treatment in Pune | Dr vishesh Dikshit

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children in Marathi)

मुलांच्यातील किडणी आणि मुत्रमार्गचा संसर्ग  (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections in Children) आजकालच्या बदलत्या जीवनशैली मुळे मोठ्या माणसांप...
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